Eddie and Joan Rigdon founded Water Is Life, Inc., in 2010.
Our first trip to Tanzania, Africa, was in 2004. While there, we worked with churches and mission agencies. At that time, the Lord opened our eyes and hearts to the various needs we could focus on, using our vocational work knowledge and experiences.
Prior to retirement, Eddie was blessed to serve the people of Southern California, managing the water supply for Southern California's 20 million people as Chief of Operations together with a workforce possessing excellent skill sets and knowledge, from construction workers to world acclaimed scientists, engineers and attorneys. He holds a master's degree from Drucker School of Management Claremont Graduate University.
Joan graduated from UCLA with honors as a Nurse Practitioner and holds a double major in family health and occupational health. She was a frequent speaker at her professional conferences, teaching others the skills of a primary caregiver. After graduating, Joan worked in her profession for 25 years.
Subsequently, a dear friend and professor at the International Theological Seminary (ITS) in West Covina, California, introduced us to their students from all over the world. While building enduring relationships with the students, we received invitations to go and teach in their home countries.
During that first trip to Tanzania, Africa, in 2004, we saw vast opportunities for teaching God's Word, leadership training, children's ministries and community outreach. We also witnessed the urgent need for clean drinking water, proper health care, education, and building projects.
Utilizing Joan's expertise, we have offered blood pressure clinics, breast exam clinics, and diabetic instruction. She has also provided individual medical exams and assistance during our trips to Tanzania. Often, we have paid for medical care, which otherwise would not have been possible for the individual to receive.
On one of our trips, we learned of a Tanzanian woman who walked four miles daily for water to be used for cooking, drinking and bathing. As she was returning to her home with the water, men attacked her, leaving her with a broken jaw. And such is the plight of thousands of women who walk daily for several miles to carry three to five gallons of that precious resource we call water (water weighs 8.34 lbs./gal). "Water Is Life." Their water is often non-potable (not safe to drink). The Lord put in our hearts the desire to help with the dire need of many who have no water in their towns and villages. We excavated our first water well in Iringa, Tanzania in 2006.
The members of our board of directors are thought leaders who have made a significant contribution to our society. Each and every one of them brings a unique set of skills and expertise to our organization.
Water is Life, Inc.
PO Box 60127
Pasadena CA, 91116